Pascal Tschan
Attorney at Law / Partner
SBA Mediator
The main focus of Pascal Tschan’s work is family law, matrimonial law, filiation law and criminal law (in particular concerning white collar crime, medical criminal law and juvenile justice). He also has considerable experience in labour law.
Pascal Tschan represents parties before the authorities and courts in matters relating to inheritance law and tenancy law.
Pascal Tschan provides both procedural and advisory services. He is convinced that joint conflict resolution frequently leads to a quicker, more sustainable and therefore more satisfactory result for the parties involved than long and drawn-out disagreement. When clear contractual bases are drawn up jointly and early on, future conflict can often be avoided entirely. This is why he is also committed to providing mediation and contract consultancy services.
Pascal Tschan is President of the Disciplinary Commission of Swiss Football League (SFL) and deputy regional single judge for the Swiss Ice Hockey Federation (SIHF).
CV Pascal Tschan (PDF 756,68 KB)
vCard Pascal Tschan (VCF 1,42 KB)
english, german, french, italian
lafranchi meyer
Steinerstrasse 34
PO Box
3000 Bern 16
T +41 31 352 87 87
F +41 31 351 48 31